Welcome to Countrywoods
My greatest achievements are not what most may think.
It's not having the top dog in the breed (been there, done that), breeding a Top-Ten Bitch, or having the first AKC Champion Bitch in the state. Nor, is it in producing show dog, after show dog.
It is just really a very simple thing, such as, a heart-felt "Thank You" from a newcomer that I was able to help. Or, the pure joy of seeing that new "puppy love" grow into a lifelong bond between dog and master.
My Commitment - My Qualifications
I am an ASCA Breeder Judge, a licensed Senior UKC Judge, I have done Rare Breeds in the USA and Canada. I have also had the pleasure of judging at the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog Nationals (1990-91); the White German Shepherd Nationals (1999); the Miniature Australian Shepherd Nationals (2002 2011 and in 2013); Nationals Pre-Shows including in Texas for the AKC Nationals (1999), at 3 Wisconsin ASCA Nationals and 2 Georgia ASCA National Pre-Shows .
Other highlights for me include judging in Germany twice and on a third trip I was invited to give a Breed Seminar. I Judged in Belgium on my 64th Birthday and the Show Committee were nice enough to be sure I had a real Belgium Waffle for my desert after the show.
I have had the Australian Shepherd breed since the early 1970's. Since then, I have been involved heavily in the Australian Club of America (ASCA).
Some of the highlights of my time with the breed include, assisting in the making of the first ASCA Yearbook, which covered the first 25 years of the organization, edited by Phil Wildhagen, back in the mid to late 70’s.
I have also served on the Conformation Committee for several years, having a few of my suggestions carried out by the BOD. As a Breeder and a Judge, I have traveled all over North America and abroad, to both Judge and show. In 2001, I was selected to serve on the ASCA Breed Standard Review Committee and spent 7 years on that committee. I now serve on the ASCA Legislative Committee, am a member of the MAPBD and serve on the board of PMID which are other legislative groups.
In addition to working and showing my Aussies, I occasionally write articles and stories; some of which have been published in the Aussie Times, and the Australian Shepherd Annual. I Judge 4H for dogs, goats, llamas and all around showmanship.
"The future of the versatile Australian Shepherd is my passion."
~ Sunday Miles
My greatest achievements are not what most may think.
It's not having the top dog in the breed (been there, done that), breeding a Top-Ten Bitch, or having the first AKC Champion Bitch in the state. Nor, is it in producing show dog, after show dog.
It is just really a very simple thing, such as, a heart-felt "Thank You" from a newcomer that I was able to help. Or, the pure joy of seeing that new "puppy love" grow into a lifelong bond between dog and master.
My Commitment - My Qualifications
I am an ASCA Breeder Judge, a licensed Senior UKC Judge, I have done Rare Breeds in the USA and Canada. I have also had the pleasure of judging at the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog Nationals (1990-91); the White German Shepherd Nationals (1999); the Miniature Australian Shepherd Nationals (2002 2011 and in 2013); Nationals Pre-Shows including in Texas for the AKC Nationals (1999), at 3 Wisconsin ASCA Nationals and 2 Georgia ASCA National Pre-Shows .
Other highlights for me include judging in Germany twice and on a third trip I was invited to give a Breed Seminar. I Judged in Belgium on my 64th Birthday and the Show Committee were nice enough to be sure I had a real Belgium Waffle for my desert after the show.
I have had the Australian Shepherd breed since the early 1970's. Since then, I have been involved heavily in the Australian Club of America (ASCA).
Some of the highlights of my time with the breed include, assisting in the making of the first ASCA Yearbook, which covered the first 25 years of the organization, edited by Phil Wildhagen, back in the mid to late 70’s.
I have also served on the Conformation Committee for several years, having a few of my suggestions carried out by the BOD. As a Breeder and a Judge, I have traveled all over North America and abroad, to both Judge and show. In 2001, I was selected to serve on the ASCA Breed Standard Review Committee and spent 7 years on that committee. I now serve on the ASCA Legislative Committee, am a member of the MAPBD and serve on the board of PMID which are other legislative groups.
In addition to working and showing my Aussies, I occasionally write articles and stories; some of which have been published in the Aussie Times, and the Australian Shepherd Annual. I Judge 4H for dogs, goats, llamas and all around showmanship.
"The future of the versatile Australian Shepherd is my passion."
~ Sunday Miles